The eternal God of the universe wants to be your close, personal friend. He longs to be your light. Your salvation. Your hiding place. He yearns to have a personal relationship with you.
Did you know your personal God is also your heritage? King David wrote: “Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart” (Psalm 119:111).
Heritage means your testimony. The stories about what God has done in your life. The times when His angel armies protected you. When He supernaturally provided for you. When His sovereign hand made a way in a seemingly impossible situation.
Stories of God’s presence in your life becomes your heritage. Your memories about His faithfulness to you. And as you remember how God came through for you once, you are encouraged to believe that He will come through for you again.
Give thanks today to your personal God. Say to Him, “Daddy, I am honored to know that my heritage comes from you. Help me use my testimony to encourage others in my life with stories of how You have encouraged me. You came through for me once. You can do it again!"
What an honor to know that God is my personal heritage!