For the month of July, you will see some of our favorite blogs from earlier in 2023. As we enter a month of rest and revival, we hope you enjoy these reminders.
The presence of suffering in our world is one of the greatest hindrances in people coming to faith in Jesus. Many ask the question, “How could a good God let bad things happen?” I want to sit with you this week and dig into some of the mysteries and complexities of suffering. Why do people go through suffering? Plain and simple, suffering happens because we live in a broken and fallen world. We breathe bad air. We eat bad food. We suffer from natural disasters, which are actually unnatural. God never desired disaster to be part of his creation. People hurt one another. Our emotions don’t operate as they should, thus fear, anxiety, depression, shame, etc. So, what is the biblical answer for what to do when suffering happens? First, when you see and experience suffering around you, remember how broken this world is. Read and reflect that Romans 8:22 says that creation is groaning and will be until the day that Jesus returns. Our bodies also groan, looking forward to the day of redemption (verse 23). Suffering should not surprise us. Secondly, remember how God wants you to live amidst suffering. You play an important role as an ambassador of his kingdom. You are meant to display glimpses of what heaven will be like to this broken and suffering world. Everywhere your feet step is your mission field and because of Jesus, you are now an agent of hope in a hopeless world. You bring peace where there is chaos. You provide freedom to captives. You bring healing where there’s hurt. Finally, remember that one day, Jesus WILL return and restore creation and our bodies to what it was in Genesis 1-2. To God’s original intent. Live purposefully each day, while longing for the day when Jesus makes all things new! What a glorious day that will be!