What stops you from sharing your faith with others? Is it not knowing what to say? How to bring it up? Fear of rejection? Next time you hesitate to share your faith, remember this: You’re in sales, God’s in management. Jesus said so: “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32). Jesus is teaching us an important lesson here. It’s our job as Christ followers to point others to Jesus (Acts 1:8). It’s his job to draw people to himself. How people choose to respond to our witness is up to them. God is the ultimate boss. He will “manage” their faith relationship with him. That’s his job, not ours. All he wants us to do is be obedient by pointing others to himself. Therefore, we can live free from worry if someone we know and love hasn’t come to faith yet, knowing we’ve done our part. That’s because we’re in sales and God’s in management.
David and Marilynn Chadwick