“Joy to the world. The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King!” A beloved Christmas carol, begetting joy in the hearts of those who sing it.
The word “joy” is inscribed on our Christmas ornaments. On placards we place on our mantles.
The joy Jesus gives to his followers comes from within us. It’s a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). It happens naturally by abiding in Jesus (John 15:1-5).
Happiness is different from joy. It needs circumstances to be the way we want them to be in order for us to feel contentment. Joy feels contentment no matter what the circumstances may be. It is constant. Eternal. Despite our sometimes incredibly difficult situations, we experience sustaining joy because our lives are rooted securely in Jesus.
Someone once said that supernatural joy resides in our hearts when our priorities are in order: J - Jesus is first. O - Others are next. Y - You are last. This is the JOY of serving others. Modeled by the true source of our joy, Jesus.
May Jesus’s joy fill your hearts this Christmas season…and every day beyond!