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  • Writer's pictureDavid and Marilynn Chadwick

Realize God Did Not Give You a Spirit of Fear

Fear does not come from God.  Ever.  Think about that.  If you are feeling scared, dismayed, or residing in a state of unrest, it’s a clear sign the evil one is on the prowl, attempting to steal, kill and destroy your peace (John 10:10a).  That’s his job description.

The Devil’s interest is in himself.  Jesus’s interest is in us, his sheep whom he died for so that we can have eternal life with him.  Jesus came to give us life in abundance (John 10:10b).  He wants us to live a life far better than one we could ever ourselves imagine.

What comes from God is peace.  Calm.  Joy.  What comes from Satan is fear.  Distress.  Anxiety.  But note: Being faithful does not mean you live fear-free.  What it means is you don’t stay there.  You keep moving forward.  You refuse to give up and give in to the enemy.

The Greek word translated “fear” in 2 Timothy 1:7 refers to someone who flees from a battle.  It suggests cowardice and timidity.  It describes a victim.  But when we make a decision to walk hand in hand with God, trepidation turns to courage.  In our weakness, we are made strong.  We become bold, and approach life’s ups and downs undaunted.  Our trust in him changes our lives forever.

Draw close to God and he will draw close to you (James 4:4).  Resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7).

Use the powerful name of Jesus with the enemy.  It is the name above all names (Philippians 2:9).  It has all authority over the devil.

With the Holy Spirit in you, rebuke fear and the enemy.  Tell him to leave.  Verbally.  Out loud.  He must leave.  He has to.  He is merely a creature.  God is the Creator.  And the name of Jesus is the key to unleashing this power.

Believe this today. 

Be free of fear forever.

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